Be The Light That You Are


It all started when…

Back in 2015, I experienced something truly extraordinary during a visitation in my sleep, an event that I will carry with me for the rest of my life. In the midst of the night, I was visited by my beloved Nana and Grandad. While my Grandad had passed away more than two decades ago, my Nana was still with us at that time.

Their presence was overwhelming, and my Grandad spoke to me, assuring me that he was taking my Nana with him and that she was safe in his care. I vividly remember the warmth of their embrace, the feeling of reassurance, and the love that radiated from them.

The next thing I knew, I woke up in tears, urgently telling my husband that my Grandad had come for my Nana, and her passing was imminent. Two days later, my Nana did indeed pass away.

This profound experience became the catalyst for a journey I could never have anticipated. It led me down a spiritual path guiding me towards the realm of mediumship. What I later realised was that this gift had been within me all along, waiting to be awakened. Doors began to open, opportunities presented themselves, and mentors appeared, precisely the right moments.

I began attending spiritual circles. and before joining one, I had to complete a 12 week awareness course. Around the third week of the course, our teacher encouraged us to open our minds to receive a message from the spiritual realm. I must admit I had doubts and feared that I would be the only one left without a message.

Then, as if a beacon of light had pierced through my apprehensions, a clear message came to me: “Be The Light That You Are” I shared this message with the group, feeling a sense of pride and wonder. However, as I drove home that evening, I couldn’t help but ponder the true depth of this message: “To Be The Light That You Are.” It was more than a beautiful phrase; it held a profound significance.

I realised that, beyond using it in my future work, it spoke a deeper truth. It beckoned me to embark on my own inner journey, urging me to step into the light within myself.

I discovered that the most precious gift we can give ourselves is the time and dedication to do the inner work, to explore the depths of our soul, and to shine our unique light brightly. It’s a journey of self-discovery, growth and transformation, and it has become the guiding principle of my life. And I believe we all have our own unique paths and messages waiting to be discovered within us.

I encourage you to explore the depths of your own inner light and the messages it holds for you.

Check back for future events…